A Healthier Gut = A Happier You!

Did you know that 90 percent of serotonin – the chemical nerve responsible for regulating moods – is made in your digestive tract, and the production of this chemical is reliant on healthy gut bacteria?

A healthy gut better absorbs nutrients from the food you are eating. You might be eating nutritious, whole foods most of the time, but still feel foggy, uninspired, and generally “less than” your brightest self. Why? Because if your gut isn’t in tip-top shape, it’s not properly absorbing all the vitamins and nutrients from your food, which means your cells don’t have the fuel they need to do their jobs.

Our Signature Bali Detox and Yoga Retreat 3/5/7/10 day program follows a specific protocol to keep your GI and happiness in tip top condition by supplementing your meals/drinks with detoxifying bentonite clayprobiotic supplements to reconstitute the bowel with good flora, abdominal massage to stimulate your internal organs, including your gallbladder and liver for a more efficient release and removal of waste products, ginger kidney compress and colonic cleansing sessions.

All balanced out with detoxifying red & green juices, herbal teas, broths, freshly pureed soups, healthy protein rich smoothies, raw & lightly cooked easy to digest, well rounded meals packed with nutrients, a trip to the holy water purification temple for a spiritual external cleanse and much more.

Inquire more about our Detox and Yoga Retreat by visiting our Signature Retreats Page at: www.gaiaretreatcenter.com or fill up the form below and we will revert back to you within 24 hours: